Descendants of Victims of Former Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen for Information (DK)
Descendants of Victims of Former Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen for Information (DK)

See Editorial
Jakob Feisthauer's great-grandfather was taken to the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen for being 'asocial'. He fought his entire life to be acknowledged as a victim of the Nazis and to receive compensation. He never succeeded.
Jakob Feisthauer’s great-grandfather was taken to the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen for being ‚asocial‘. He fought his entire life to be acknowledged as a victim of the Nazis and to receive compensation. He never succeeded. ‚Asocial‘ or ‚Asi‘ is still a contemptuous term commonly used in Germany, for instance to describe people who don’t have a job for longer periods of time, families that have a lot of kids or generally people living in poverty. Only few know about the origin of this label. Feisthauer today continues the fight of his great-grandfather to educate people about the term and to remove the stigma.